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Pam Milner- I think we have come a long way and although there's still some shouting to be done by us women I feel like we have many more opportunities now than in the past. There are many great female role models out there who are strong and that's fantastic. Women should be proud and happy and be allowed to get out there and be themselves. Events like the WOW Festival can only help to promote women and let our voices be heard. >

Pam Milner- I think we have come a long way and although there's still some shouting to be done by us women I feel like we have many more opportunities now than in the past. There are many great female role models out there who are strong and that's fantastic. Women should be proud and happy and be allowed to get out there and be themselves. Events like the WOW Festival can only help to promote women and let our voices be heard.

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Peggy Brunache- I think there has definitely been progress for women and there have been some positive steps forward in society but despite this there are still inequalities that need to be addressed such as the gender pay gap. We still have battles and although they're not as intense as they once were, we're still fighting for equality.

Peggy Brunache- I think there has definitely been progress for women and there have been some positive steps forward in society but despite this there are still inequalities that need to be addressed such as the gender pay gap. We still have battles and although they're not as intense as they once were, we're still fighting for equality.

Tanya Ewing- Today's society sees women accepted as equals more so than ever before. I think people now see things very differently and we as women have more opportunities. I think that the WOW Festival and other events like this undoubtedly help women to come together and celebrate each others achievements and successes.

Tanya Ewing- Today's society sees women accepted as equals more so than ever before. I think people now see things very differently and we as women have more opportunities. I think that the WOW Festival and other events like this undoubtedly help women to come together and celebrate each others achievements and successes.

Shirley Smith & Jo McFadzean- There's one women's issue we feel particularly strong about and that's late autism diagnosis among females. Autism presents itself differently in women than it does in men, and as a result it's not often picked up. I think a lot of people fear autism but it's certainly nothing to be scared of. It actually has some advantages as well as the disadvantages and I think more needs to be done to raise awareness and also to diagnose women earlier.

Shirley Smith & Jo McFadzean- There's one women's issue we feel particularly strong about and that's late autism diagnosis among females. Autism presents itself differently in women than it does in men, and as a result it's not often picked up. I think a lot of people fear autism but it's certainly nothing to be scared of. It actually has some advantages as well as the disadvantages and I think more needs to be done to raise awareness and also to diagnose women earlier.

Rachel Weiss is a counsellor, coach, trainer, mediator and speaker. She is the founder of Rowan Consultancy - a multi-faceted Perth-based organisation helping people lead more satisfying lives, and of Menopause Cafe - a charity which provides informal, welcoming discussion groups about the menopause and the personal impact of this, which has now spread globally. Recently, Rachel won the coveted Points of Light award in recognition of the work she has carried out with the Menopause Cafe.
Image via The Sunday Post

Rachel Weiss is a counsellor, coach, trainer, mediator and speaker. She is the founder of Rowan Consultancy - a multi-faceted Perth-based organisation helping people lead more satisfying lives, and of Menopause Cafe - a charity which provides informal, welcoming discussion groups about the menopause and the personal impact of this, which has now spread globally. Recently, Rachel won the coveted Points of Light award in recognition of the work she has carried out with the Menopause Cafe. Image via The Sunday Post

By The Sunday Post
Johanna Babbs-I think that it's marvellous that the Women of the World Festival is coming to Perth and that we will be hosting Scotland's first WOW event. Perth is a fantastic hub right in the centre of Scotland so it's great to welcome more events to the city.

Johanna Babbs-I think that it's marvellous that the Women of the World Festival is coming to Perth and that we will be hosting Scotland's first WOW event. Perth is a fantastic hub right in the centre of Scotland so it's great to welcome more events to the city.

Lou: I think the festival will be great for Perth and the reception has been so welcoming since we announced it.  Some people said, why Perth? Well I say, why not Perth? It has fantastic facilities, an amazing appetite from both young and old people and everyone wants to talk about women positively!

Amy: I think being a woman today means we have a responsibility to celebrate other women's achievements and really get people talking up the contributions that women make in society. I also think it's our responsibility to call out any discrimination or inequalities when we see it.

Lou: I think the festival will be great for Perth and the reception has been so welcoming since we announced it. Some people said, why Perth? Well I say, why not Perth? It has fantastic facilities, an amazing appetite from both young and old people and everyone wants to talk about women positively! Amy: I think being a woman today means we have a responsibility to celebrate other women's achievements and really get people talking up the contributions that women make in society. I also think it's our responsibility to call out any discrimination or inequalities when we see it.

Kelly- We've always exercised but it's only been in the past few years that we've started to use weights and do strength training more. I think it's now become quite normal to see women in the gym, lifting weights and working on their muscles whereas in the past I think it was seen as a more masculine thing. 

Robyn- Women feel more confident using the gym now and it's something that's accessible for all. There are also some great health benefits for ladies when they incorporate weightlifting into their workouts.

Kelly- We've always exercised but it's only been in the past few years that we've started to use weights and do strength training more. I think it's now become quite normal to see women in the gym, lifting weights and working on their muscles whereas in the past I think it was seen as a more masculine thing. Robyn- Women feel more confident using the gym now and it's something that's accessible for all. There are also some great health benefits for ladies when they incorporate weightlifting into their workouts.

Helen Kemp- It's great news that the Women of the World Festival is coming to Perth. It is the first WOW event in Scotland and it's great to see Perth at the forefront of these types of events. Our Menopause Cafe started in June and was the world's first so it's clear that Perth is a great place with modern values.   I'm proud that we are putting Perth on the map.  We may be menopausal but we are not in retreat.

Helen Kemp- It's great news that the Women of the World Festival is coming to Perth. It is the first WOW event in Scotland and it's great to see Perth at the forefront of these types of events. Our Menopause Cafe started in June and was the world's first so it's clear that Perth is a great place with modern values. I'm proud that we are putting Perth on the map. We may be menopausal but we are not in retreat.

FI MUNRO- In 2016, at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. In the months that followed I lost everything I identified with as being a woman; my hair, strength, to have children and so much more. Having worked through this I now strive to help other women to embrace who they are and to love their scars (both emotional and physical) by setting an example of loving myself completely and teaching children and adults about positive self-image through my yoga classes.

FI MUNRO- In 2016, at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. In the months that followed I lost everything I identified with as being a woman; my hair, strength, to have children and so much more. Having worked through this I now strive to help other women to embrace who they are and to love their scars (both emotional and physical) by setting an example of loving myself completely and teaching children and adults about positive self-image through my yoga classes.

Eva Christie- I'm delighted to be considered at the forefront of Scotland's cultural activities by WOW PERTH with the creation and growth of Perth Festival of Yarn.  As such, they have invited me to participate in an exclusive cultural leadership course as part of their festival.

Eva Christie- I'm delighted to be considered at the forefront of Scotland's cultural activities by WOW PERTH with the creation and growth of Perth Festival of Yarn. As such, they have invited me to participate in an exclusive cultural leadership course as part of their festival.

Charlotte Malcolm- I think it's a really good thing that Perth is getting involved with the WOW Festival and it's definitely something that I'd really like to get involved with.

Charlotte Malcolm- I think it's a really good thing that Perth is getting involved with the WOW Festival and it's definitely something that I'd really like to get involved with.

Youngest member of our WOW ladies giving girl guides a big shout out all over the world!

Youngest member of our WOW ladies giving girl guides a big shout out all over the world!

Meet the Women of Wow

23 October 2017

A buzz is already starting to develop in The Fair City regarding the upcoming Women of the World Festival happening from 27th to 29th of October.  Much of the excitement centres around Perth Concert Hall which is going to be hosting a dizzying weekend of music, comedy, talks and even speed mentoring.  So in anticipation of this Small City Big Personality sent out the call for women of all ages and backgrounds and from all walks of life and professions to gather for a photo opportunity and a discussion about what the Women of the World festival means to them and what it means that Perth is playing such a big part in the proceedings this year.

Charlotte Malcolm is a student in Perth and loves to dance.  She’s also the daughter of the fabulous Linda Chan-Malcolm whose restaurant, The Jade Garden, serves up some of the city’s tastiest grub!

Eva Christie is the director of Perth Festival of Yarn and has been invited to attend a special course as part of the WOW Festival.

Fi Munro is an author and yoga instructor here in Perth who has battled cancer and hopes to help other women to embrace who they are.

Helen Kemp is one of the volunteers at the Menopause Café which launched in June and is the first of its kind in the world.

Johanna Babs is an adventure cyclist who would like to see more women get on their bikes and give cycling a go.

Kelly Parker and Robyn Strathie are part of the amazing marketing team at Live Active Leisure, and were delighted to be at the WOW Perth launch to highlight sport and fitness opportunities for women.

Lou Brodie is the WOW Perth 2017 Festival Programmer and Amy Watt is the festival’s facilitator. Both are really excited about bringing the event to the city.

Pam Milner is a housewife who is also a kidney transplant patient of 21 years. She heard about the Women of the World Festival and came along for the launch as it sounded like a lot of fun!

Peggy Brunache is a university lecturer and consultant, and also helps to put together Perth’s incredible Southern Fried Festival! She wanted to be there for the Women of the World Festival launch to showcase Perth’s diversity – not just with regards to race and ethnicity, but also the different career paths available to women.

Rachel Weiss is a founding partner of Rowan Consultancy and Perth’s Menopause and Death Cafés. She describes herself as an anti-fascism and anti-racism activist.

Shirley Smith & Jo McFadzean run Adventure Circus – classes where people of all ages and interest groups can learn to perform circus acts, from becoming an expert juggler to taking the first steps as a trapeze artist!

Tanya Ewing is the CEO of Glaze and Save, a secondary glazing company. She wanted to get involved with the launch of WOW Perth as she works and runs a company in a male dominated industry.

Kacey Pallister is 11 years old and the youngest attendee at our photo shout.  A member of the Perth Girl Guides she wants to give a big shout out to all fellow Girl Guides around the World!