Workdays and Weekends: Andrea McCully

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Working with kids Monday to Friday must be a rewarding but sometimes challenging job - and it probably requires a weekend well spent to recharge the batteries!

We caught up with Deputy Head Teacher at Goodlyburn Primary School, Andrea McCully, to discuss how much she loves her job but also her weekends!

What does a typical day at work look like for you?

Both the joy and challenge of my job as the Deputy Head Teacher of a primary school is that you're never entirely sure what the day will hold. My main duties entail dealing with the day to day running of the school and the pastoral care of our children. I meet regularly with parents and other professionals to discuss how to make sure our children are happy and safe at school. But whether it's a wiping a snotty nose, leading a whole school assembly, choosing paint colours for the toilets (somebody has to!), dealing with the 100 daily emails or taking forward some new ideas for learning,  the job is never dull... you just never know what's going to happen next! We have a great team at Goodlyburn and I'm very proud to be part of that. The hard work and commitment from everyone on our team to make a difference to little people's lives is very inspiring. 

What signals the start of your weekend / days off?

Workdays & Weekends - Andrea McCully black & white

For me weekends start in my kitchen... usually with a glass of something cold and fizzy and music is normally involved. (I'm a sucker for a dance around the kitchen!). 

My lovely teacher pals sometimes meet up for a "piece bagger" (aka after work drink) which is always fun... gin before 6pm always signifies the start of a good weekend!

What might people be surprised to know about you?

This year I'm embracing things I've not done before - so far I've been on a bread making course to learn how to made the perfect loaf, I've taken up running through the couch to 5k programme and finally I've got round to getting my ears pierced. 

Top of your bucket list?

Seeing the northern lights. We had an incredible trip to Iceland last year but the lights didn't "perform" for us. Apparently they were in full view in Auchterarder that week so I live in hope that I'll see them one day. The ultimate experience for me would be to go to Finland where you can stay in glass igloos and watch the night sky unfold above you. What's not to love? 

Worst job you’ve ever had?

Being the pot washer in a seaside town cafe over a very long warm summer.  The heat in that kitchen was unbearable! I was let out one day to help at the counter but accidentally charged someone £2000 at the till for a cup of tea so wasn't asked back! 

Who or what inspires you?

Workdays & Weekends - Andrea McCully boat

Creativity and community. I am very fortunate that my close family and friends are an incredibly creative bunch; writers, musicians, illustrators, performers, bloggers, photographers, costume designers and crafters. I admire those who dedicate their time and passion to share their creativity with others to make life a little better. I feel hugely inspired spending time in community with such talented people. (You know who you are!)

Tell us about the weekend you’d love to live again?

We had a fantastic weekend at the Aberfeldy Festival last November. It's an annual festival with music curated by Ian Rankin and lead capably by the inimitable Mr Ryan Hannigan of Haggarts in Aberfeldy. We had the joy of meeting a few of our own musical heroes here.  The Highland village sets the perfect scene for warm friendly hospitality with the village hall set up with a well stocked gin bar, whiskey tasting, coffee (provided by local Glen Lyon roasters) and food stall including the now famous "pies at midnight".  There was a really magical atmosphere around the village all weekend and a sense that you were celebrating life with a bunch of good people.  

What’s the best part about your job?

Definitely the children. They're such an enthusiastic bunch and are genuinely eager to see us every day and share their wee lives with us. Those relationships that are built up over time are very special. The kids at Goodlyburn love a good song and dance... assemblies usually involve both! 

What’s in the perfect day off breakfast?

I love this question because the answer changes for me on a regular basis. But right now it would be homemade granola (loads of coconut in there) with yoghurt, berries and some honey.  Coffee from The Bean Shop is an essential!  

Complete this sentence; The best things in life are….

A good laugh and a long sleep (wisdom stolen from an Irish proverb!)


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