Murrays Caramel & Fruit Gateau

8 Feb 2018

  • 500g butter or margarine
  • 500g caster sugar
  • 8 med eggs
  • 500g self raising flour
  • 1 square baking tin and a small round tin
  • 4 pints double cream
  • 1 punnet of strawberries
  • 1 punnet of seedless grapes
  • 2 kiwi fruit
  • 2 pkt caramel matchmakers
  • 2 boxes maltesers
  • Some soft caramel( or toffee)


    1. Preheat your oven to 180C, and line your baking tins with baking paper.

    2. Sift the flour into a bowl. Mix together the butter and sugar until pale in colour. Now, beat in the eggs, add the flour, and mix until you reach a dropping consistency. If your mixture gets too thick, then add milk accordingly.

    3. Divide the mixture into your tins, spreading it out evenly. Bake for approximately 20-25 mins. Check by piercing with a skewer, if it comes out clean then your cakes are ready.

    4. Leave them to cool for 5-10 mins, and then remove from the tins, before slicing both lengthways in order to fill the middle.

    5. It’s now time to decorate! Whip up the double cream until it’s nice and thick, then slice the strawberries, kiwis and grapes.

    6. Take the bottom half of the square cake and spread it with a generous helping of whipped cream. Top this with some of the chopped
    fruit, before placing on its top. Spread more cream around the side of the square cake, and cover this with vermicelli.

    7. Now, spread a layer of caramel and a layer of cream onto the bottom half of the round cake, before adding its top. Spread more cream around the outside of this cake, and additional caramel onto the top. Stick your caramel matchmakers around the outside and arrange the maltesers as shown. A big strawberry can be popped into the centre to top it all off.

    8. Carefully place the round cake on top of the square cake and prepare for piping. If you don’t have a piping bag, you can use a freezer bag with a little hole cut from the corner.

    9. Fill the bag with cream, and squeeze out a decorative edge for your cake. Murrays also added some thin chocolate biscuits. Finally, cover the middle of the square cake with the remaining fruit and the masterpiece is complete!

    Murrays the Bakers is famed for its traditional cream tea cakes, sausage rolls and award-winning pies so it seemed only right that their 'Try Something New' challenge should feature a larger than life, off the wall showstopper.

    This caramel filled, fruity sponge is the perfect treat for the whole family - and with it's cheeky fortress of fun we were put in mind of Kinnoull Hill's clifftop folly.

    Top marks to Colin and Linda!