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Service users captured images of places in Perth which meant something to them. >

Service users captured images of places in Perth which meant something to them.

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Students from Perth College gave service users workshops on composition, framing and viewpoints.

Students from Perth College gave service users workshops on composition, framing and viewpoints.

Just a short distance from the city you can find many beautiful walks with view of Perth.

Just a short distance from the city you can find many beautiful walks with view of Perth.

All proceeds from the calendar will go towards CATH projects to help alleviate homelessness and its associated issues.

All proceeds from the calendar will go towards CATH projects to help alleviate homelessness and its associated issues.

Moncrieffe Island offers a beautiful viewpoint of Perth's many sandstone buildings.

Moncrieffe Island offers a beautiful viewpoint of Perth's many sandstone buildings.

There are many bridges which lead off from Perth's Victorian Railway station.

There are many bridges which lead off from Perth's Victorian Railway station.

The Salvation Army base at Skinnergate offers support to those who need it.

The Salvation Army base at Skinnergate offers support to those who need it.

The North and South Inches in Perth are large green spaces where people go for some fresh air.

The North and South Inches in Perth are large green spaces where people go for some fresh air.

The modern shops and landscape of Perth are interspersed with beautiful sculptures.

The modern shops and landscape of Perth are interspersed with beautiful sculptures.

Perth is full of quiet areas to reflect alongside the river Tay.

Perth is full of quiet areas to reflect alongside the river Tay.

Service users photographed places in Perth which meant something to them, and one chose the Fair Maid statue on the High Street.

Service users photographed places in Perth which meant something to them, and one chose the Fair Maid statue on the High Street.

The CATH Calendar will raise money to to help alleviate homelessness and its associated issues.

The CATH Calendar will raise money to to help alleviate homelessness and its associated issues.

CATH Calendar 2017

This week’s gallery is brought to you by the service users of Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH), a local charity in Perth. CATH is a progressive charity which supports the delivery of projects to alleviate homelessness, poor and sub-standard housing and associated problems in Perth & Kinross.

CATH have produced their very own 2017 Calendar, and all the images have been taken by service users using disposable cameras. Throughout the project, they were supported by three Visual Communication students from Perth College, Meghan, William and Callum and their college lecturer Stacey, who presented two workshops covering Composition, Framing and Viewpoints to service users and also designed and created the calendar with them.

The initiative was also supported by four Perth Grammar School girls, Abbie, Anna, Cayla and Sioned who won the Youth Philanthropy Initiative and donated the £3000 they won to the CATH Calendar Project. They also helped choose the final 12 photos for the Calendar.

It’s been a real community effort!

The idea of the CATH Calendar was to engage service users in a fun and unique project, while challenging the stereotypical imagery of Homelessness.  The concept was to hand out disposable cameras to service users to capture an image of Perth that meant something to them.

CATH were already aware of the artistic talents of some of their service users but have been completely overwhelmed by the diverse and amazing photos taken. It’s no doubt been an exceptionally rewarding project to be part of and we think we they’ve created an outstanding first CATH Calendar!

The CATH Calendar 2017 is now for sale from their CATH Charity shop, 188-190 High Street, Perth.

All proceeds go towards CATH projects to help alleviate homelessness and its associated issues.