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I love helping my mum in the garden. >

I love helping my mum in the garden.

By Kazik Unterschutz

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Rodney Gardens is a nice place to go for inspiration for your own garden.

Rodney Gardens is a nice place to go for inspiration for your own garden.

By Kazik Unterschutz
Try to find this secret turret when you visit Rodney Gardens!

Try to find this secret turret when you visit Rodney Gardens!

By Kazik Unterschutz
Perth Leisure Pool is a great place to spend your Saturday night for the swimmys disco

Perth Leisure Pool is a great place to spend your Saturday night for the swimmys disco

By Kazik Unterschutz
The park is a great place to go after your swim.

The park is a great place to go after your swim.

By Kazik Unterschutz
The Perth play house is the best cinema in Perth

The Perth play house is the best cinema in Perth

By Kazik Unterschutz
The concert hall is a great place to go and see a show. There is always something on!

The concert hall is a great place to go and see a show. There is always something on!

By Kazik Unterschutz
This is a great place to see some awesome artifacts

This is a great place to see some awesome artifacts

By Kazik Unterschutz
The post box does the best dessert ever!

The post box does the best dessert ever!

By Kazik Unterschutz
Go to McDiarmid to see the best football team in the world play.

Go to McDiarmid to see the best football team in the world play.

By Kazik Unterschutz
These huge pencils were put next to the mallard and my brother sat on them!

These huge pencils were put next to the mallard and my brother sat on them!

By Kazik Unterschutz
The flower pot men in my back garden - everyone thinks they're ugly!

The flower pot men in my back garden - everyone thinks they're ugly!

By Kazik Unterschutz
This was at scone Palace and my mum and my brother took a selfie together

This was at scone Palace and my mum and my brother took a selfie together

By Kazik Unterschutz
There were 3 peacocks but this one posed the most.

There were 3 peacocks but this one posed the most.

By Kazik Unterschutz
The start of the path when you come out of the car park

The start of the path when you come out of the car park

By Kazik Unterschutz
Try and find this stool when you visit Rodney Gardens

Try and find this stool when you visit Rodney Gardens

By Kazik Unterschutz
The herb gardens and the Rodney gardens

The herb gardens and the Rodney gardens

By Kazik Unterschutz
The grave yard at the Rodney Gardens.

The grave yard at the Rodney Gardens.

By Kazik Unterschutz
a little memorial tree

a little memorial tree

By Kazik Unterschutz
I was taking a photo of Lukas while mum was taking a photo of me.

I was taking a photo of Lukas while mum was taking a photo of me.

By Kazik Unterschutz
the daffodils at scone palace

the daffodils at scone palace

By Kazik Unterschutz
Me enjoying a Max Meat Feast at Duo.

Me enjoying a Max Meat Feast at Duo.

By Kazik Unterschutz
The bin at Rodney Gardens and my mum said that it was a toilet

The bin at Rodney Gardens and my mum said that it was a toilet

By Kazik Unterschutz
I got a shot of this camera from my cousin and she got a shot of it from her friend

I got a shot of this camera from my cousin and she got a shot of it from her friend

By Kazik Unterschutz

A Kid's View of Perth

So often we become oblivious to the things in our city that make it great and so this week we asked eleven year old Kazik Unterschutz to get out and snap his favourite places in Perth.  

Armed with his phone and camera, Kazik set out to capture the things that make Perth a cool place to live for him and his brother.  Here are his favourites - all words and images belong to him!

  1. Perth Museum

I like Perth museum as it’s a really nice building and it is also an art gallery. I like looking at art as I’m very interested in drawing and painting and stuff like that. I love some of the crystals that they have in there as well. There’s a whole room of them and some are really cool. My favourite one is the black stone with purple crystal in the middle.

  1.  Scone Palace

I love visiting Scone Palace as I go there a lot - especially when I was little. We go at Easter sometimes to roll our eggs and there is sometimes a puppet show and stuff at Easter as well. We also go at Christmas sometimes.

Once we went and we got to go into the palace. There was some story telling in the palace and we got to make puppets afterwards. The woman that was doing the puppet making showed me how to make a puppet theatre out of a shoe box then I could draw things on paper and then they would show up on the box. The only reason she showed me that and no one else was because I was the oldest.

  1. Norrie Miller

I love visiting Norrie Miller as there’s a little pond there and me and my little brother would have a fishing contest to see who could catch the most fish from the pond. There is also a little waterfall that goes under the steps then takes you down to another pond where there are snails in the water and stepping stones across the water.

There’s also the Rodney Gardens which is connected to the Norrie Miller kind of. You just go under the bridge and then you’re in the gardens and they're really nice.

  1. Duo

Duo is a pizza, pasta deli. There connected to the Pig Halle and they do the best pizzas I’ve ever tasted. I love going there and I would highly recommend the Max Meat Feast pizza which has an egg in the middle. That may sound disgusting but try it and it's really nice. They also sell macaroons and bread and wine and they do deliveries and you can also order things and pick them up.

  1. Perth Leisure Pool

The Perth Leisure Pool is a great place to spend a Saturday night as there is something called The Swimmy Disco where there is a massive inflatable obstacle course and both sides are the same but one side has a guy spraying cold water at you so it’s harder, so I like to go on the opposite side. Also the flumes (the water slides) are open all night. The swimmy disco starts at 6:30-9:00. There is also a sauna and a steam room in the health suite for the adults.

  1. Paco’s

Paco’s is another one of my favourite places to go out for food in Perth. My mum worked there when I was young and we went all the time and there is a load of weird things on the wall like typewriters and model planes from World War 1. There’s even a moose’s head coming out the wall and on the way up to the toilets there’s a sheep’s skin spread out on the wall! My mum is working there again and now we will probably go a lot more!

  1. Perth Concert Hall

I love going to Perth Concert Hall as the pantomime is always there and there was this other show on when I was young called The Singing Kettle. It was this gang of people - one was called Arty, one called Cilla, one was called Kevin and I can’t remember the music guy’s name.

Then Cilla and Arty retired so it was just the two guys left so they had to find another  person to help them out so they found someone called Anya.  It has now closed though.

  1. Perth Play House

Perth Play House is not a fun house like Noah’s, it’s actually a cinema! There are always great movies on there and I go all the time with my granny or grandad when my dad’s working. One of the best movies I have seen there was Everest. It was about these people who want to climb Everest and 20 people go and only 12 come back and most of the people die!

The best part of it though was it was in IMAX 3D. IMAX is where the sound is ten times louder than it is in the normal cinema, the seats are comfier and the 3D is way better. It actually looks like you’re in the movie or your part of the cast!

  1. The Post Box

The Post Box is a restraurant in Perth and me and my little brother and my dad went there for food when it was his birthday. The food was amazing but I can’t really remember what I had but for dessert I had crème brulee and it was amazing. When I was done I wanted more but I got the last one!

10. My Garden

I love to help mum in the garden and I spend a lot of time on our trampoline or on the shed roof as we know how to climb up there. Mum spends hours (all day, every day) out in the garden as she wants it to be as good as the Rodney Gardens. She got grandad to put a new fence in the front and she got granny a flower pot man but she doesn’t like it so now we’ve got two! I also play with the basketball net but now it’s hard to get a basket as the sun is always in my eyes!            

GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHER: Kazik Unterschutz is an eleven year old Perth boy in P7 at St John's Primary School.  He is a keen amateur photographer and this, the first of his galleries, was completed during a 'Take Your Child To Work Day' at his Auntie Nicki's Small City, Big Personality Office.  To follow Kazik on twitter click here>>>