Decadently Delicious Chocolate Delights

As we all know, Perth is bursting with picturesque beauty, exciting attractions, and engaging events. And now we can proudly say that we are home to the world’s first ‘ruby chocolate’ truffle – not too bad, right?

This is down to the innovative spirit of Perthshire’s own Master Chocolatier, Iain Burnett. Excited by the arrival of ruby chocolate samples in his kitchen and eager to experiment with new tastes and pairings, the Master Chocolatier explained “Ruby chocolate acts somewhere between white and milk chocolate, with a creamy yet tangy berry note. For a chocolatier, the unique flavour notes are fun to work with and open a world of possibilities.”


Iain Burnett has twice been awarded the World Gold at the International Chocolate Awards for his unique Velvet Truffles, in addition to over 40 other awards. As a truffle specialist, Iain supplies Michelin Star chefs with world class petits fours, Master Distillers with chocolate pairings, and some of Britain’s most luxurious hotels with stunning bespoke chocolates for their guests and clients.

The natural creaminess yet acidic fruitiness of the ruby is beautifully accentuated with the tang of crushed blackcurrants for a powerful experience – and a vibrant burst of violet colour!

Personally, we think his latest creation sounds exquisite. “The natural creaminess yet acidic fruitiness of the ruby is beautifully accentuated with the tang of crushed blackcurrants for a powerful experience – and a vibrant burst of violet colour!”, says Burnett. Perhaps you’re wondering – what exactly is ruby chocolate?

Recently launched after a decade of development by luxury manufacturers Barry Callebaut, ruby chocolate is being hailed as the “fourth type of chocolate”. So named for its natural pink colour and fruity flavour, it has so far only had limited release in select countries—making it all the more tantalising for consumers, chefs and chocolatiers alike. It was officially revealed at an exclusive launch event in Shanghai in 2017.

“I think it will be awhile until the full potential of the ruby bean is reached. In the meantime, we have just begun to have fun with this, starting with The Ruby Velvet Truffle.”, says Burnett.


>To try the World’s First Ruby Velvet Truffle, visit Iain Burnett Highland Chocolatier in Perthshire or order online from anywhere in the world at