The Yummiest Ever Pesto

29 Jun 2017

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 6
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 5 handfuls of fresh basil leaves
  • 1 good handful of pine nuts
  • 1 good handful of parmesan cheese
  • rapeseed oil
  • freshly ground sea salt and pepper


    1. Using a pestle and mortar crush the garlic and pine nuts with the salt and pepper

    2. Add in the basil and pound the mixture a bit more.

    3. Tip the ingredients into a mixing bowl and add the parmesan cheese.

    4. Stir all together and pour in the rapeseed oil to bind the ingredients.

    5. Taste and add more oil and / or cheese until you are happy with the flavour and consistency.  

    Everyone goes crazy for homemade pesto in the summer, so for the last couple of years basil has been top of the list for growing in Gill's greenhouse. You can grow basil indoors on your windowsill as long as you give it plenty of light so don't be put off if you don't have a garden. 

    Pesto in pasta is such a great alternative to the usual tomato or creamy sauces - We like to make ours with Perthshire rapeseed oil from Summer Harvest which pulls out that nutty flavour and plenty of parmesan!

    It so versatile - try it topped on salmon fillets or spread it over grilled toasted cheese. What’s even better is it is SO easy to make - the garlic breath afterwards is absolutely worth it!

    Other #TeamSmallCity suggestions include stirred through prawns, chopped beef tomatoes and linguine pasta or warmed through with stir-fried beef strips and dolloped into baked potatoes with crowdie cheese. Food.Of.The.Gods!

    We'd love to know what you do with your pesto - leave your comments here and share your tasty ideas. And as always, we love your pics - make it, snap it, share the love. Tag it with a #PerthLoveFest and send them into us!