Menopause Café

13th NOVEMBER 2018


Blend Coffee Lounge

274 High Street
Perth, Perth and Kinross, PH1 5QJ, Scotland

Drink tea, eat cake, and talk about menopause. This cafe provides a friendly space to share your questions, stories and tips.

A Menopause Cafe is a group directed discussion with no agenda, objectives or themes and is a discussion group rather than a counselling session. You are welcome to just listen, or join in on the discussions. 

It is for anyone interested in the menopause: all genders, young and old and inbetween.

You don't need to bring anything except a willingness to listen, and we hope, share your questions, experience, tips and thoughts.

Book your free ticket on Eventbrite here.

For more information on Menopause Cafe, visit