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Workdays and Weekends: Chris Brown


Fitness fanatic and a dedicated family man, Chris Brown is the owner and director of Claymore CrossFit Gym in Perth.

Chris puts his passion and knowledge into coaching others to achieve their fitness goals, and despite his super busy schedule, we manage to catch him for a quick chat - if you want to find him, he will be at the gym!

1. What does a typical day at work look like for you?

Building and maintaining a community spirit within Claymore CrossFit.

I open the gym early in the morning and organise the workouts for our community to begin their classes. I will also coach during the classes and in between this I manage all the day-to-day business stuff. This includes programming workouts/warm ups, marketing, replying to members/potential members, organising events, managing facebook groups, maintaining the building facilities, cleaning, managing system and supporting staff. You've got to be able to do it all!

2. What signals the start of your weekend / days off?

Haha – I’ll tell the jokes!

Generally a weekend is spent in the gym coaching classes or manning the gym. No time off at the moment, hope to get there soon though!

3. What makes for a perfect night in?

Watching a movie with my wife to be.

4. What makes for a memorable day or night out?

Spending time with my family, I absolutely love when we can all get together.


5. Tell us about the weekend you’d love to live again?

Bagging a Munro with my best mate Richie Allan

6. And now your best ever day at work?

When the Claymore family completed a 24 hour workout for Stroke awareness. What a challenge! Loved seeing how the community came together, it was a real proud moment.

7. Any workday or weekend rituals?

With such a busy week, I always try to make sure that I have quality family time on a Sunday evening. 

8. What’s in the perfect day off breakfast?

Perfect breakfast is Poached eggs on Jamie Olivers protein bread with avocado.

9. Any words of wisdom for us?

Follow your dreams – we are what we do!


Chris is the Owner/Director at Claymore Crossfit Gym in Perth. 

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