The Snash with Jennie Cook - a podcast about women made in Scotland

The Snash With Jennie Cook – is a brilliant new podcast about women made in Scotland.

Jennie Cook is a radio presenter and podcaster, DJ, voice over artist, workshop facilitator and events host. 

We are so excited to welcome Jennie as chair of “Motherhood: A Conversation Café” on Saturday 29th of September as part of WOW Perth.

Motherhood a conversation cafe aims to deconstruct the scrutiny mothers face when making decisions bringing up their children. From the birth to whether you breastfeed, to whether you work or stay at home - mothers are under scrutiny. Where do modern mothers find support when the world is busy judging them? Join our conversation cafe and share your challenges, exchange ideas and explore different perspectives. This session is aimed at anyone who considers themselves a mum, including (but not limited to) mums-in-law, stepmums, foster mums and adoptive mums. Maybe you’re not a mum yet but are considering it, or you’re expecting. You may not call yourself a mum, but are considered a parent or carer by others. 

To stay up to date with more of "The Snash with Jennie Cook" you can listen via apple podcasts or via her website here.

*** WoW - Women of the World Festival in Perth takes place from the 29th to the 30th of September at Perth Theatre.  Download the full brochure for all the details here  ***