Taylored Massage

Massage has been a daily routine for many cultures over millennia, and more so for the providers of New Life – the Ladies! 

A full consultation is taken; hence the first appointment is for 1 hour.  If there are any concerns at all, the client will be requested to contact their mid-wife/doctor for consent prior to any treatment.

The massage mediums used are ”Pregnancy Friendly”, and there are several to choose from, and of which have incredible benefits for you and baby;

Pregnancy Massage

Post-Natal Massage

So, the baby has arrived!  Are you feeling still bloated, aching from breastfeeding and leaning over while changing nappies etc?  Are you getting enough sleep?  A normal massage is not viable as the body will carry some pregnancy hormones for up to 6 months after the birth, meaning that your joints are potentially susceptible to moving, as they were during pregnancy (allowing the pelvis to open).  This massage can help flush the hormone, and help the body to heal itself.

(image) Infant Massage

From the 6 week check-up, following going home from hospital, babies can enjoy a massage.  With Infant Massage, the parents carry out the massage on their own baby; the tutor is there to assist the parents.

Massage provides a special and deep means of communication especially for those babies with additional needs.  It is also very soothing.  It assists with development and growth, especially useful for premature babies.  Massage can be used in assisting with aiding slow development with reflexes, or muscle tension to relax the area, allowing normal growth and/or actions.  Babies who are hearing or sight deficient will be more reactive to touch.  Massage and, therefore, touch can help them to find their world.

Baby massage has amazing benefits for both parent and baby. Infant massage benefits include the following and more.

For babies

For parents;

>Taylored Massage (Tayside) >Basement room 3, 8 Atholl Crescent, Perth Opening Hours are 3.30pm – 8pm Mon-Fri

>Tel/SMS: 07948 808603 | Email

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