Spartan Race 2018

15th SEPTEMBER - 16th SEPTEMBER 2018


Kinnoull Hill

Kinnoull Hill and Deuchny Woods
Perth and Kinross

Do you fancy taking on a physical challenge with a bit of a difference this year?

How does an endurance event requiring you to wade through muddy bogs, scale slippery 8-foot ramps, clamber up 25-foot-high cargo nets, leap over fire and more, sound to you?

Well if that has peaked your interest then you’ll be delighted to hear that one of Britain’s biggest sporting series, Spartan Race, is coming to Perth in 2018. Combining running with fun and challenging obstacles, this physical and mental test was completed by over a million people across 30 countries last year, making it the world’s leading obstacle course racing series.

The Perth event will be the only one in Scotland this year, and will take place on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September. Designed to cater for all fitness levels, there are three main types of Spartan Race; Sprint (5km+), a Super (12km+), and a Beast (22km+). There is also a race for the little ones, and the Spartans Kids Race is for children aged between 4 and 13 over a 1.5km course.

If you’re interested in taking part in the Spartan Race Perth 2018, visit the Spartan Race website to sign up or to get more information about what to expect.

You can follow Spartan Race on social media for more pictures and updates in the lead up to the September race.

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