South Inch Osteopaths

A relaxed and professional multi-disciplinary clinic, based on the corner of Marshall Place and Princes Street in Perth.

Pregnancy can do strange and wonderful things to your body, and with many other health professionals under the same roof at South Inch Osteopaths you can feel assured that you'll be able to find a friendly, professional welcome as well as excellent care and advice; not just from the Osteopaths but also naturopaths, podiatrists and counsellors amongst others.

The message at South Inch Osteopaths has always been 'prevention is better than cure'. The team specialise in Osteopathy, and all their Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and have undergone extensive training to allow them to be able to diagnose conditions and treat them effectively. 

The treatment is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the healthy function of their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues and that the body has the innate ability to heal itself.

The message at South Inch Osteopaths has always been 'prevention is better than cure' and with pregnancy this is particularly true. The strains placed on the body during pregnancy are some of the most dramatic temporary changes that most people will see in their lives, and Osteopathy can be helpful throughout most stages of pregnancy.


Osteopaths take great care when treating pregnant women and adapt their treatments appropriately. Some of the usual techniques are avoided until about 14 weeks gestation (the first trimester) but other techniques can be used very safely such as use of gentle mobilisations of the joints and tissues as well as massage, stretching and resistance work.

Osteopathy is considered a very safe and effective treatment for the aches, pains and discomfort of pregnancy and many women find it invaluable in the later stages when the pregnancy places tremendous strain on the body.

Advice can also be given on how pregnant women can help themselves during the course of their pregnancy by way of gentle exercises to be done at home. These can be a particularly effective way of 'keeping everything moving' and when used in conjunction with some safe, effective treatment within the clinic can help to alleviate many of the aches, strains and pains of pregnancy.

>South Inch Osteopaths >1 Marshall Place, Perth

>Tel 01738 440220 Email

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