Provender Brown

Cheese wedding cakes!  Yes - you did read that correctly. These have grown hugely in popularity in the last few years and your favourite local Deli, Provender Brown, are now being asked for them more and more.

They are a fantastic alternative to the traditional sweet cake and are perfect for cheese-lovers, gluten free people and those who prefer the savoury side of life.  Of course, you can order them for any occasion but when you see the gorgeous tall stacks of cheese, you will immediately picture them as a bridal centre piece. 

If you'd like to find out more then drop into the shop and they'll be happy to advise you on varieties, size, quantity and depth of cheese.  Do leave a few months clear if you can as they'll order in whole cheeses especially for your 'cake'.  On average, costs will work out at approximately £2 to £2.50 per head depending on the varieties you choose.  They can also arrange biscuits, oatcakes and accompaniments should you wish.

See full details of Provender Brown's yummy cheese wedding cakes >

Provender Brown don't do the decoration (they know where their strengths lie!) but if you ask your florist or an arty friend you will find that its very easy for them to create a stunning show-stopper effect with flowers, fruit and small decorations.

Phone or drop in to find out more; we guarantee it will be the talk of the Big Day!


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