Welcome to the virtual, locked-down Small City

We know that we're usually your go to online mag for Perthshire events, reviews and chat but in these times of social distancing and lockdown we've had to shake things up a little - much like all of you!

At the moment, only Nicki is working so things are a little slower and a little less regular. Like most businesses we have no means of income at the moment but we want to be able to help and so we'd invite you to send uas any additions to stories, or if you're able to, whole articles! Email us at

FOOD OPERATORS: What's open, who's delivering and where can I pick up shopping and essentials. We've pulled together this great Perthshire Lockdown guide to help you out >>>

WHAT'S ON : Check out all of the fab virtual events, activities and downloads that the people of Perthshire have pulled together for you. If you have a virtual event or service then do complete the form here >>>

RECIPES : We're pulling some tasty treats out of the archives to inspire your new-found love for cooking, eating and snacking (I know you have it too, you're not hungry, you're bored!). Check them out here >>>

GOOD NEWS : As always there are hundreds of feel good stories pouring from the communities of Perth and we're going to try our best to deliver some of these straight to your phone! 

GALLERIES : We've always been lucky to attract amazing photographers and have some wonderful Perthshire inspired galleries to make you smile. Get ready to smile here >>>

ALL THE REST : While you have some time why not put your feet up and read up on our Big personalities, flick through a gallery or enter our competition.

Above all else, stay home, stay safe and stay happy!