Llama Experience at Eco Camp Glenshee

25th JANUARY - 1st APRIL 2019


Eco Camp Glenshee

Blacklunans, Perth and Kinross, PH10 7LA, Scotland

Team building with a difference - Llama Trekking aims to teach persuasion, patience, persistence and collaboration

 Are you planning a fun family day out? Or looking for a teambuilding day with a difference? Head out to Highland Perthshire and pay a visit to EcoCamp Glenshee for a Llama experience where you can spend the day learning new skills with the worlds friendliest Llama’s.

Get to know Eco Camp Glenshee’s friendly llamas – Jet, Atticus and Bradford before taking them on a short trek. Learn the skills of persuasion, persistence, patience and collaboration as you persuade the Llamas to undertake several challenges, including leading the Llamas over jumps, a slalom course and through a maze. Learn about their aloof and quirky behaviour and perfect adaptation to their native surroundings.

This team building event aims to teach persuasion, patience, persistence and collaboration, just some of the key skills required in the business world, by guiding the Llamas to complete several onsite exercises.

Simon Calvin, Llama expert, will explain the unique psychology, character and physical make-up of the Llamas, giving you the opportunity to feed and groom the Llamas before leading them on a short trek to the skills area.

Head strong and powerful animals, team members will be required to persuade the Llamas to undertake several challenges, including leading the Llamas over jumps, a slalom course and through a maze. Once your team is familiar with the skills course, delegates will undertake a time trail and in pairs will race against the clock to be the first to complete the full set of challenges with their Llama.

After the skills course, teams receive refreshments in the Ecocamp Bothy and get the chance to discuss the competences required to complete each challenge.

The Llama Experience costs £100 for four people / Additional adults and Children are charged at £15 per head. This is based on a 3 hour Llama Experience or a three hour Llama treck.

You can book this fantastic day out by clicking here.

Browse the gorgeous Eco Camp Glenshee in our wonderful Small City Gallery by Instagram superstar Kirsty.