Jackie Burnett : Sales & Relationship Manager

What is your job, when did you start, how did you come to be here?

I'm the Sales & Relationship Manager. I worked for my previous employer for 10 and a half years and it was actually my Manager there that sent me the job advert saying "that's your perfect job" and here I am! I guess I'm due him a drink or two!

What's the best thing that’s ever happened to you at work?

I got to call Vogue! When Nicki asked me to call Vogue I said ok then waited a couple of minutes before going in and asking the question "You want me to phone Vogue? As in Vogue the Magazine?" I felt like I was in The Devil Wears Prada!

What is the best part of your job?

Definietly going out and about meeting people. I find all the stories that people tell me about their life so facinating

"You want me to phone Vogue? As in Vogue the Magazine?" I felt like I was in The Devil Wears Prada!

What signals the start of your days off?

A long lie then having a big cup of coffee while watching a trashy TV show. My days off are usually for me going away for the day with friends so I'll have a chilled morning before heading off for an afternoon of cocktails and endless laughing (my friends are hilarious!)

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I'm a farmers daughter! People are always shocked when they find out I grew up on the farm and spent many Summers weeding the organic carrots for Dad. I think people think I'm far too girly to be a farmers daughter.

What's at the top of your bucket list?

Travel, travel and more travel! I really love to travel and see the world. I'm very lucky to say that I've visited some amazing places but the world is big place. I'd really like to visit San Francisco and visit Mrs Doubtfire's house.

Who or what inspires you?

Definitely my Mum. She has no idea just how amazing she is and I think that makes her even more inspiring. She is always there for me and always has my back. I'm very grateful for everything she does for me. If the day ever comes where I become a Mum myself I hope I can be as amazing as she is (she hasn't even paid me to say this!)

The day you’d love to live again – tell us!

My 30th birthday! I had the time of my life. Woke up in New York, went up the Top of the Rock, ate New York Cheesecake in Central Park, bought my Louis Vuitton Handbag then drank champagne in a roof top bar looking over the New York skyline - best day ever!