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Workdays and Weekends: Donald Riddell

By 19th June 2016

Donald is the Director at the amazing Highland Safaris and Red Deer Centre.  He and his wife Julie started Highland Safaris 25 years ago and have built the business up to be not just Land Rover Safaris but also an award winning café, shop, amazing Red Deer Centre and event management. It's definitely worth a visit this summer.

We recently caught up with Donald and he told us all about his busy weeks full of Red Deer, Glen Lyon coffee and an Owl called Ossain! 

1. What does a typical day at work look like for you?

I normally start at about 07.30 hrs and get all my e-mails sorted. Andy Reed our Ops manager and Ross Dempster our general manager arrive in at 08.00 hrs and we have a meeting to plan the day before all the café shop and safari rangers arrive. After that I might be in the office, on the hill or in my favourite place our Red Deer Centre.DONALD RIDDELL - Up mountain2. What signals the start of your weekend / days off?

A beer at the Ailean Craggan or Kenmore Courtyard.

3. What makes for a perfect night in?

Being with my family and watching a great movie with some tasty food.

DONALD RIDDELL - With Dog4. What makes for a memorable day or night out?

Going out with Julie my wife for a long walk or bike ride into the mountains or visiting Glen Lyon, It's my favourite place.

5. Tell us about the weekend you’d love to live again?

Very difficult to say but probably camping high in the hills with Julie and Tilly our labrador and being surrounded by Red Deer.

6. And now your best ever day at work?

Being in the Red Deer Centre with our beautiful Deer and Ossian the Barn Owl.

7. Any workday or weekend rituals?

Always a great cup of Glen lyon coffee at 11.00 hrs!

8. What’s in the perfect day off breakfast?

Has to be a Full Scottish breakfast!

9. Any words of wisdom for us?

'Carpe Diem.'

For more Information on Highland Safaris check out their Directory Listing >>>

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