Connor Wilson : Style to Move

Forget Sarah Beeny it's all about Connor Wilson when you're looking to give your house a a pre-sale makeover.

Connor is the owner of 'Style To Move' a company based in Perth that helps sellers give their homes a stunning interior makeover to increase the saleability of their home.  His magic touch helps create transformations so beautiful you might even be tempted not to sell up at all.  If you want to de-clutter, modernise and get your couch-to-cushion ratio just right, call Connor!

1. Tell us the weirdest / funniest thing that has ever happened to you at work?

One of the Services we offer is giving house sellers advice on how to show their properties to potential buyers. I start by asking the client to show me around as if I was a buyer. We walked into the master bedroom to see the client’s underwear sticking out from under the bed. Not ideal for a trial viewing but thankfully it highlights to the client that you need to check everywhere!

(image) 2. What signals the start of your days off?

My days off always start with walking Hugo. We go around Buckie-Braes or Moncrieffe Hill mainly, but we are spoilt for so many lovely walks close-by and so many dog friendly venues for refreshments.

More often than not the weekend involves plans with friends and family, my family is still in Edinburgh so plans are always made in advance. If I am out locally it tends to be at Deans or Northport for food and normally the Ship Inn or The Venue for gin! They both have such as great selection of local and international gins and are both dog friendly.

3. What might people be surprised to know about you?

People are always surprised when they are in my house about how much of it is accessorised by Cow Art, I didn’t mean to start a collection but I have a couple of Carol Shotton’s, some Cow Parade pottery, a lovely handmade highland cow, just to name a few!

I also regularly get inspired by a travel brochure.

4. What is at the top of your bucket list?

My husband and I love to travel and have been lucky enough to visit different parts of America, Australia and many different parts of Europe. As for the bucket list, it would have to be purchasing a vintage VW Beetle. It doesn’t sound like much but I have always fancied one but don’t have a garage to keep it in or the need for a second car …. one day though.

We are doing a road trip next year in America but I don’t think hiring a vintage VW Beetle is the best idea!

5. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

This is easy – a call center worker. Albeit it was 20 years ago but it was soul destroying. Sitting on the phone for ten hours a day sounds like a dream come true for a chatterbox like me but, as most people who have ever worked in a call centre will know, there is very little joy to be found in the job.

Toilet breaks were timed and it took you 20 minutes to log into all the systems before your shift at 8 started but to get a parking space you had to be there for the back of 7. I still remember now the flashing display detailing the list of registration numbers for vehicles that must be removed as they were “inappropriately parked!” I lasted four months before thankfully getting a transfer.

To work in a call centre for more than a few months, you need to be a certain kind of person. Common sense, empathy and calmness are worth their weight in gold but you need unique qualities for long term call center work.

I can’t go into someone’s house without thinking if you were selling this house you should …. and then mentally make a list!6. Who or what inspires you?

It’s a cliché to say friends and family but it's true! I also regularly get inspired by a travel brochure. I get to meet so many clients who are in the depths of life changing events such as bereavement or divorce and it is remarkable to hear them talk about their future plans.

7. Tell us about the day you’d love to live again?

Christmas Day – probably any Christmas day. I have a very relaxing day with friends and family but it is always stress-free and involves too much food, drink and TV! I am a little selfish though and always have Christmas dinner in my own house – maybe that reduces the stress!

8. What’s the best part about your job?

I love my job, ever since watching the House Doctor in the late 90’s I have wanted to help people move house. I can’t go into someone’s house without thinking if you were selling this house you should …. and then mentally make a list!

I love helping people make the most of their biggest asset so they can go and live the next chapter of their lives. It is great to see a property sell after the work has done, especially if it has been sitting on the market for months before we are called in. The local estate agents have been very encouraging and helpful and often arrange new pictures to be taken once the work has been done to relaunch the property back on the market.

9. Complete this sentence; the best things in life are….

Not found on social media!


Connor is offering Small City readers a 15% discount on Style to Move services up until the end of 2018.  Quote 'Small City Big Personality' when booking.

You can follow Connor's cute dog Hugo on Instagram. Check out his doggy Instagram page!