Cameron Corkhill : Scottish Antique & Arts Centre

Cameron Corkhill has grown up, riding his bike and playing in the woods around the tiny Perthshire village of Abernyte. If it's ringing a bell, you have probably been to the wonderful Scottish Antiques & Arts Centre, which is where Cameron is currently learning his craft, as a trainee manager.

"I usually start at 9 or 9:30, with the business opening at 10. Bit of cleaning before we open and then it’s all about looking after our customers. It mainly involves unlocking cabinets so that the customers can get a closer look at the various items like jewellery and silver which we sell, or just helping with any enquires that they may have.

He loves a crazy, mini golf game at Noah’s Ark – just a laugh and a good timeI also have to assist many of the dealers that have space in our centre, there are over 100 of them! I also get plenty of exercise when lifting out pieces of furniture that customers have bought and taking them to their vehicles! All in all, it keeps me busy throughout the day, and there’s never a dull moment!"

When he's not working, he likes to come into Perth - Frankie & Benny’s is always a favourite for meals out with friends, and he loves a crazy, mini golf game at Noah’s Ark – just a laugh and a good time - and a wee stroll around the North Inch.

Tell us the weirdest / funniest thing that has ever happened to you at work? 
One of my weirdest/funniest days was during one of our festive days near Christmas. We had multiple events happening within the centre such as Santa Claus, some live music by a flutist and a human statue.

We had this very skinny Santa walking around the centre greeting children and you could see them trying to work out what was wrong!The whole day was very busy but the part I found funny was that our Santa Claus had forgotten his stuffing and glasses, so we had this very skinny Santa walking around the centre greeting children and you could see them trying to work out what was wrong!

The human statue also kept moving and speaking and even walked around the centre at one point! All this despite the fact they were suppposed to be a still statue which we all found very amusing!

What signals the start of your days off?

Staying up late playing video games with my friends or watching a movie. Basically, anything that is relaxing where I don’t need to focus on anything important and can just start to wind down.

Then it’s having a big lie-in the following morning and not getting up until around 11am, sometimes 12. Followed by a big bowl of cereal for breakfast/lunch. 

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I am distantly related to George Harrison of the Beatles – he is my Great Grandad’s, second cousin’s son.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

To see and hear Hans Zimmer conduct his orchestra live, I’ve been a big fan of his scores for various movies for ages and so getting to see and hear him conduct those live would be great.

I’ve ticked off a couple of things from my bucket list, including meeting Sir Chris Hoy at a cycling event in Dundee where he signed my cycling helmet and a poster.

What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

Assisting my manager in trying to unblock the drain pipe which leads from the main toilet block. I won’t go into more detail but it was not a pleasant thing to see… or smell.

Who or what inspires you?

I am distantly related to George Harrison of the Beatles – he is my Great Grandad’s, second cousin’s son.My parents inspire me. They are always helping me to be better and have supported me through everything that I have done. They inspire me to try and have as great a life as they did and I hope that one day I do too!

Tell us about the day you’d love to live again?

When I was younger, myself and a large group of friends from around the area all just jumped on our bikes and cycled for ages. We were out for the whole day just exploring further and further. No idea how much time had passed that day. I think I’d like to relive that day again, didn’t have a care in the world and it was just a great day.

What’s the best part about your job?

The customers and staff. Every day I’m dealing with brand new customers and they all have their own stories which are great to hear. Such as how a couple from New Zealand came across our Centre by sheer chance, even though we are situated in the middle of nowhere!

The staff are all very happy people to be around with and so it feels good to be part of such a ‘happy family’ who always go above and beyond to help people.

Complete this sentence; the best things in life are….

The little things. For example, having a meal out with friends or just watching a movie with the family. Nothing big or spectacular, just little things.