Summer Detox Water - Raspberry, Pear & Mint

18 Aug 2016

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 hours
Serves: 4
  • 2 Pears
  • 3 Handfuls of Raspberries
  • 2 Handfuls of Mint


    1. Wash and rinse the mint leaves, raspberries and pears.

    2. Drop the mint leaves to the bottom of the pitcher then slice the pears thinly using a knife or a mandolin, and arrange them around the inside of the pitcher above the mint. Next drop in the raspberries.

    3. Slowly fill the pitcher with cold water to the top, cover and leave in the fridge overnight to allow the flavours to develop.

    4. Serve with ice. Delicious!

    Nicki's Tuppenceworth

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    Nicki X

    This is a delicious drink to cleanse both your body and mind. Fresh fruit soaked in water is one of my latest obsessions – aka detox water. It’s basically water with your choice of fruit or vegetables submerged in it, and the longer you can let the fruit (or veg) soak in the water the more the flavour you get out of it. I try and pop mine in the fridge overnight but even if you can let it sit for a few hours this is good enough.

    This is a fantastic way to regulate your system and it provides amazing health benefits. For this particular recipe you have the raspberries with their antioxidant power and pears which are a great source of dietary fibre. The mint adds a delicious flavour to this drink. However you can pretty much create your own delicious combination. Another favourite of mine is mixing up sliced lemons, apricots and ginger with some blueberries.

    Drinking plenty of water on a regular basis is good enough but this just takes it up a notch by adding power ingredients to flush out your system. Super simple to make and especially great after a crazy indulgent weekend!

    Gill x