I'm Back in Bonnie Scotland!

Good day me hearties.

Here I am sat in the awning of the caravan. It’s a warm evening here at ‘The Farm’.

I’m looking forward to finishing the book I’ve been reading tonight. (Rock n’ Roll eh? hahaha)

Dougal and Angus (both dogs) are enjoying the evening by challenging each other to a “Ball Duel” Angus is making Dougal run super fast to race him for the ball.

So, I’m here in Sunny Scotland for another month and very happy to be so. Engerland was fab!

I learned a few things in the 1000 miles that I travelled there and back caravan in tow.

  1. Only drive two hours at a time as my back gets awfy, awfy sore.
  2. Stop over gigs are great but give yourself loads of time to get there so as you are relaxed by the time you arrived for the gig not super stressed and starving.
  3. Do not have a gig the same day as travelling more than 180 miles. It’s too much especially if you are the only one driving.
  4. Keep a cheery disposition at all times in as many situations as you can. It REALLY helps.
  5. ENJOY IT ALL!!!
  6. Animals will constantly surprise you

Last night I experienced my first Electrical storm in the caravan and awning. Honest the noise was unbelievable. It’s amazing how much a house muffles sounds but in a caravan there is no such luxury. I was literally frozen to the spot just hoping it would pass and not kill me haha.

I wish I’d been brave enough to record a video of it for you but I was a bitty spooked and had convinced myself it would electrocute me.

I’m super stoked to announce I’ll be playing at Mckenzies Highland Inn for the four days of Thunder in the Glen this year. Hope to see some of you there. Also I’m playing Belladrum this year on the Potting Shed Stage with a wee band called “Homemade Jam”

Keep in the loop with my wandering, ponderings and music’s here >>>

See you all next week X

Lady Miss