Easter Rocky Road

13 Apr 2017

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes
Serves: 12
  • 200g butter
  • 450g milk chocolate
  • 250g Cadburys mini eggs
  • 100g pink and white mini marshmallows
  • 150g ginger nut biscuits, crushed
  • 4tbsp golden syrup
  • 125g cranberries


    1. Line a square baking tin with non stick baking paper.
    2. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water together with the butter and golden syrup.
    3. In another bowl, mix together the mini eggs, marshmallows, crushed ginger nuts and cranberries and pour this into the melted chocolate mix. Mix everything together well.
    4. Pour the mixture into your lined baking tin and push the mixture down, smoothing the top. 
    5. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour or until completely set, before taking out the fridge and cutting into small squares.

    Nicki's Tuppenceworth

    Leave your comments here and please do share this with your friends! You can also share your photographs and ideas with us. We'd love to see them. As always, tag them #PerthLoveFest and we'll scatter them around our own social media.

    Nicki X

    Hi Everyone,

    This recipe is the perfect way to use up any left-over chocolate from the Easter bunny (if you have any that is!) With no baking required, you can get the kids involved with the mixing and pouring - be prepared for sticky fingers all round, and a fight to lick the bowl!

    Don't forget that you can throw anything into the mix for this one. From dried fruit to Malteasers, get creative and make up your own tasty combos!

    Enjoy, Gill X