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Philippa Porrit aka The Fitness Lady shows you how to feel the Glow inside & out with a Stretch & Tone low impact dance exercise class or an outdoor Nordic Walking class!

1st January 2016

Fitness League & Glow Fit

Philippa, a former Big Personality, has been a Fitness League UK member for over 25 years, trained as a fitness teacher 3 years ago, and also recently became a Glow Fit coach. She started her Class in Perth in 2013 and now has a lively class of lovely ladies. Philippa leads her active life in Perth with her husband, 3 daughters and 3 dogs.                   

PHILIPPA SoloStretch & Tone classes

Combine movement with a strong central core and body strengthening exercises. The focus is on developing good posture and correct body alignment, lengthening and strengthening muscle groups to encourage a full range of movement. You feel taller, stronger, more mobile and body aware. Classes are suitable for participants of all abilities, and are taught to music in a fun, friendly environment. Participants also have the option to follow the Glow Eat plan, supported by The Food Doctor, so you can lose weight and get fit in one class! All ages, shapes & sizes welcome!

Class runs in Perth on Tuesdays at 7.45pm-8.45pm, with a weekly weigh in & nutrition talk after the class, 9pm – 9.15pm. Check The Fitness Lady Facebook page for details of more classes in 2016.

Nordic Walking

An enhancement of ordinary walking, Nordic Walking makes something we learn to do as babies twice as effective! Philippa trained as a Nordic Walking instructor 5 years ago and walks up Kinnoull Hill every day. “The benefits are massive for those who do not wish to run, as Nordic Walking works the whole body and helps to build bone density and is especially beneficial for those with hip, knee & back problems.” 

Wellbeing Philippa Nordic WalkingNordic Walking uses poles in order to add two major benefits to walking; the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs, and the poles help to propel the walker along, meaning they work harder than usual yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier!

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique and is not to be confused with trekking, hill walking or trail running as the poles are not planted in front of the walker/runner but in a specific way that increases the use of the upper body. It can be done by anybody, anywhere and does not require expensive equipment or clothing.

Nordic Walking is the fastest growing fitness activity in the world and is used by individuals, personal trainers, health clubs, physiotherapists, doctors and health promoters because it is highly effective, affordable and FUN! Nordic Walking technique MUST be learnt correctly if the participant is to get the most out of the activity – the full Health technique that ensures the whole body works efficiently is only taught by NWUK qualified Instructors like Philippa. ‘Learn to Nordic Walk’ course £45 for 4 x one hour technique classes.

"I love the Stretch & Tone class and look forward to it every week, it is great fun and  such a relaxed and friendly atmosphere”

"Nordic Walking is so much more of a workout than I thought it was going to be, everyone should try it!”

Wellbeing Philippa GlowFitWellbeing Philippa Fitness LeagueWellbeing Philippa Nordic Walking logo

Class & Membership Prices;

There are various options to attend the Stretch & Tone and/or Nordic Walking classes weekly, with discounts for block booking and joint membership. Please contact Philippa for up to date prices.

**Special offer**

Come for a free taster class of your choice during January, if you join after your taster you get reduced joint membership fee until the end of Aug 2015 for only £30, and any 4 classes of your choice for only £15 during January. Save up to £25!

Contact Details


Tel: 07977066994 (mob)

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